Summer/Winter schools and internships

On email request I can send you a list of interesting books and reviews. After third year (formal QM lectures), we may take a very small number of internal or external project students, all applications have to proceed through the IISERB internship portal.

Click here for Summer/Winter school recommendation form and policies. (you need to be logged into your IISERB gmail account for this)

Current lectures

PHY 304 Quantum Mechanics-II

2023-24-II Semester.
Lecture times: Wed,Thu,Fri 5-5:55 pm (Slot M)
place: AB1A2 and Studio AIR
office hours: Wed+Fri 3:30-4:30 pm

online material:
Lecture Notes, please re-download freshly the newly edited version prior to every week. (provided for students of the class only, no warranty for correctness, please contact me if you spot a mistake):
[Complete lecture notes, up to week 12(end), updated 14th April]

Assignments: one, two [code on teams], three [codes henceforth on teams] four, five, six
Assignment solutions: one, two [codes henceforth on teams], three, four, five, six

Tutorials: tutorial1, tutorial1_solution, tutorial2, tutorial2_solution, tutorial3, tutorial3_solution, tutorial4, tutorial4_solution, tutorial5, tutorial5 solution, tutorial6, tutorial6 solution, tutorial7, tutorial7 solution, tutorial8, tutorial8 solution

Library of other lectures

PHY 106 Quantum Physics (2018-19-II Semester, 2019-20-II Semester)
PHY 305 Classical Mechanics (2020-21-I Semester)
PHY 303/304 Quantum Mechanics I and II (2021-22-I/II Semester, 2023-24-I Semester)
PHY 435 /637 Decoherence and Open Quantum Systems (2018-19-I Semester, 2020-21-II Semester, 2022-23-I Semester)
PHY 402 Atomic and Molecular Physics (2016-17-II Semester, 2017-18-II Semester)
PHY 535/635 Many-body Quantum Mechanics of Degenerate Gases (2017-18-I Semester, 2019-20-I Semester)
Introduction: High-level-simulation-language XMDS2, 1 day course (June 27, 2017)



Electro-magnetic wave generation by a linear antenna

We see the near field of a linear antenna, E-field are green arrows and magnetic field strength is shown as red shading. The current (blue) and charge (black ) distribution on the antenna (magenta) are also shown as a function of z, with positive values to the right. We see that fields in the vicinity of the antenna behave as we expect from a static picture, while further away we have to take into account the finite response time.
Fields are rescaled *r to compensate the intensity drop with distance.
Alternative download as mp4 is here.

A write-up of the underlying calculation is provided by Kirk McDonald.