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Backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of Plasmodium falciparum SUMO.  Singh JS, Shukla VK, Gujrati M, Mishra RK and Kumar A.  Biomol NMR Assign. 11(1): 17-20 (2017).

Cell Permeating Nano-Complexes of Amphiphilic Polyelectrolyte Enhances Solubility, Stability, and Anti-Cancer Efficacy of Curcumin. Famita MT, Chanchal A, Yavvari PS, Bhagat SD, Gujrati M, Mishra RK and Srivastava A. Biomacromolecules. 17(7): 2573-83 (2016).

The Nup107-160 complex and g-TuRC regulate microtubule polymerization at kinetochore. Ram Kumar Mishra, Papia Chakraborty, Alexei Arnaoutov, Beatriz M.A. Fontoura, and Mary Dasso. Nat Cell Biol. 12(2):164-9 (2010).

Vesicular stomatitis virus inhibits mitotic progression and triggers cell death. Chakraborty P, Seemann J, Mishra RK, Wei JH, Weil L, Nussenzveig DR, Heiber J, Barber GN, Dasso M, and Fontoura BM. EMBO Rep.10(10):1154-60 (2009).

Residue-level NMR view of the urea-driven equilibrium folding transition of SUMO-1 (1-97): native preferences do not increase monotonously. Kumar A, Srivastava S, Kumar, Mishra R, Mittal R, an Hosur RV. J Mol Biol. 361(1):180-94 (2006).

Local structural preferences and dynamics restrictions in the urea-denatured state of SUMO-1: NMR characterization. Kumar A, Srivastava S, Mishra RK, Mittal R, and Hosur RV. Biophys J. 90(7):2498-509 (2006).

Structural characterization of the large soluble oligomers of the GTPase effector domain of dynamin. Chugh J, Chatterjee A, Kumar A, Mishra RK, Mittal R, and Hosur RV. FEBS J. 273 (2), 388-397 (2006) 

 Folding regulates autoprocessing of HIV-1 protease precursor. Chatterjee A, Mridula P, Mishra RK, Mittal R, Hosur RV. J Biol Chem. 280(12):11369-78 (2005).

 Dynamin interacts with members of the sumoylation machinery. Mishra RK, Jatiani SS, Kumar A, Simhadri VR, Hosur RV, Mittal R. J Biol Chem. 279(30):31445-54 (2004). 
