Publications from IISER Bhopal                 PubMed

Bhattacharya N, Rockstroh A, Deshpande S S, Thomas S K, Yadav A, Goswami C, Chawla S, Solomon P, Fourgeux C, Ahuja G, Hollier B G, Kumar H, Roquilly A, Poschmann J, Lehman M, Nelson C C, Sengupta D. Pseudo-grading of tumor subpopulations from single-cell transcriptomic data using Phenotype Algebra eLife 2024 [Read]

Krishnamoorthy P, S Raj A, Das N, Kumar H*. HCMV detection in Asian gastric cancer RNA-seq datasets and clinical validation in Indian GC patients reveals the HCMV-GC specific gene signatures mSystems [Accepted]

Chaudhary R, Meher A, Krishnamoorthy P, Kumar H*. Interplay of host and viral factors in inflammatory pathway mediated cytokine storm during RNA virus infection Current Research in Immunology May 2023 [Read]

Krishnamoorthy P, S Raj A, Kumar H*. Identification of gene classifier and modules associated with SARS-CoV-2 ARI in nasal swab Genes & Diseases April 2023 [Read]

Krishnamoorthy P, S Raj A, Kumar H*. Machine learning-driven blood transcriptome-based discovery of SARS-CoV-2 specific severity biomarkers Journal of Medical Virology January 2023 [Read]

Mule R. D., Kumar A, Sancheti S. P., Senthilkumar B., Kumar H, Patil N. T. BQ-AurIPr: A Redox-Active Anticancer Au(I) Complex that Induces Immunogenic Cell Death Chemical Science August 2022 [Read]

Kumar A, Mishra S, Kumar A, Raut AA, Sato S, Takaoka A, Kumar H*. Essential role of Rnd1 in innate immunity during viral and bacterial infections Cell Death & Disease June 2022 [Read]

Krishnamoorthy P, S Raj A, Kumar P, Das N, Kumar H*. Host and viral non-coding RNAs in dengue pathogenesis Reviews in Medical Virology April 2022 [Read]

Mishra S, S Raj A, Kumar A, Rajeevan A, Kumari P, Kumar H*. Innate immune sensing of influenza A viral RNA through IFI16 promotes pyroptotic cell death iScience Jan 2022 [Read]

Das A, Chauhan K.S., Kumar H,Tailor P. Mutation in Irf8 Gene (Irf8R294C) Impairs Type I IFN-Mediated Antiviral Immune Response by Murine pDCs Frontiers in Immunology Nov 2021 [Read]

Mishra R,Krishnamoorthy P, Kumar H*. MicroRNA-30e-5p Regulates SOCS1 and SOCS3 During Bacterial Infection Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Jan 2021 [Read]

Mahla R.S., Kumar A., Tutil H., Krishnaji S.T., Sathyamoorthy B., Noursadeghi M., Breuer J., Pandey A.K., Kumar H*. NIX-mediated mitophagy regulate metabolic reprogramming in phagocytic cells during mycobacterial infection Tuberculosis Dec 2020 [Read]

Krishnamoorthy P, S Raj A, Roy S, Kumar NS and Kumar H*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 to identify potential pathways for drug repurposing Computers in Biology and Medicine Nov 2020 [Read]

Mishra R,Krishnamoorthy P, Gangamma S, Raut AA and Kumar H*. Particulate matter (PM10) enhances RNA virus infection through modulation of innate immune responses Environmental pollution 2020 July. [Read]

Mishra R, Bhattacharya S, Rawat BS, Kumar A, Kumar A, Niraj K, Chande A, Gandhi P, Khetan D, Aggarwal A, Tailor P, Takaoka A and Kumar H*. The microRNA-30e-5p has an integrated role in the regulation of the innate immune response during virus infection and systemic lupus erythematosus. iScience 2020 June. [Read]

Mishra R, Ingle H, and Kumar H*. The Interplay between Viral-derived miRNAs and Host Immunity during infection Frontiers in Immunology 2020 Jan. [Read]

Saha I, Jaiswal H, Mishra R, Nel H, Schreuder J, Kaushik M, Chauhan KS, Rawat BB, Thomas R, Naik S, Kumar H and Tailor P. RelB Suppresses Type I Interferon Signaling in Dendritic Cells. Cellular Immunology 2020 Jan. [Read]

Kumar A and Kumar H*. Long noncoding RNA: TRIMming the viral load. Cellular and Molecular Immunology 2019 Sep. [Read]

Kumar A, Kumar A, Ingle H, Kumar S, Mishra R,Verma MK, Biswas D, Kumar NS, Mishra A, Rout AA, Takaoka A, Kumar H. MicroRNA miR-324-5p suppresses H5N1 virus replication by targeting he viral PB1 and host CUEDC2. Journal of Virology 2018 Jan. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01057-18 [Read]

Sinha D, Kumar A Kumar H, Bandyopadhyay S. Sengupta D. dropClust: efficient clustering of ultra-large scRNA-seq data. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 Jan. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky007 [Read]

Kumari P, Saha I, Narayanan A, Narayanan S, Takaoka A, Kumar N S, Tailor P, Kumar H*. Essential role of HCMV deubiquitinase in promoting oncogenesis by targeting anti-viral innate immune signalling pathways. Cell Death & Disease 2017 Oct. [Read]

Mishra S, Kumar H*. Balancing Anti-viral innate immunity and immune homeostasis. Cellular and molecular Immunology 2017 Oct.[Read]

Kumari P, Kumar H*. Viral Deubiquitinases: Role in Evasion of Anti-viral Innate Immunity. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 2017 Aug. [Read]

Bodireddy M R, Mahla R S, Mohinuddin P M K, Reddy G T, Prasad D V R, Kumar H*, Reddy N G. Discovery of a new class of 16-membered (2Z, 11Z)-3, 11-di (aryl/naphthyl)-1, 13-dioxa-5, 9-dithia-2, 12-diazacyclohexadeca-2, 11-dienes as anti-tumor agents. RSC Advances 2016 Aug. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA15140J[Read]

Ranaware P B, Mishra A, Vijayakumar P, Gandhale P N, Kumar H, Kulkarni D D, Raut A A. Genome Wide Host Gene Expression Analysis in Chicken Lungs Infected with Avian Influenza Viruses. Plos One 2016 April. DOI:[Read]

Fawaz M, Vijayakumar P, Mishra A, Gandhale P N, Dutta R, Kamble N M, Sudhakar S B, Roychoudhary P, Kumar H, Kulkarni D D, Raut A A. Duck gut viral metagenome analysis captures snapshot of viral diversity. Gut Pathogens 2016 May. DOI: 10.1186/s13099-016-0113-5[Read]

Ingle H, Kumar S, Raut AA, Mishra A, Kulkarni DD, Kameyama T, Takaoka A, Akira S, Kumar H*, The microRNA miR-485 targets host and influenza virus transcripts to regulate antiviral immunity and restrict viral replication. Science Signaling 2015 Dec. DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.aab3183. [Read]

Kumar S, Ingle H, Mishra S, Mala RS, Kumar A, Kawai T, Akira S, Takaoka A, Raut AA, Kumar H*, IPS-1 differentially induces TRAIL, BCL2, BIRC3 and PRKCE in type I interferons-dependnt and independent anticancer activity. Cell Death & Disease 2015 May. DOI: 10.1038/cddis.2015.122. [Read]

Kumari P, Narayanan S, Kumar H*, Herpes viruses: Interfering innate immunity by targeting viral sensing and interferon pathways. Reviews in Medical Virology 2015, DOI: 10.1002/rmv.1836. [Read]

Bharti D, Kumar A, Mala RS, Kumar S, Ingle H, Shankar H, Joshi B, Raut AA, Kumar H*, The role of TLR9 polymorphism in susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis. Immunogenetics 2014, 66, 675-681. [Read]

Nagi RS, Bhat AS, Kumar H* Cancer: A Tale of Aberrant PRR Response. Frontiers in Immunology 2014 Apr 9;5:161. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00161. [Read]

Kumar S, Ingle H, Prasad DVR, Kumar H*, Recognition of Bacterial Infection by Innate Immune Sensors. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 2013 Aug; 39(3):229-46. DOI: 10.3109/1040841X.2012.706249. [This article is highlighted in the latest news and is the "Most read article" of the Journal]

Mahala RS, Reddy MC, Prasad DVR, Kumar H*. Sweeten PAMPs: Role of Sugar Complexed PAMPs in Innate Immunity and Vaccine Biology, Frontiers in Immunology 2013, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2013.00248. [Read]

Kumar H, Takeuchi O. and Akira S. Toll-Like Receptors. In: Lennarz W.J. and Lane M.D. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry 2013 vol. 4, pp. 396-401. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

Kumar H*, Kawai T, Akira S, Pathogen Recognition by Innate Immunity, International Reviews in Immunology 2011 Feb; 30(1): 16-34.[ This article is the "Most cited and Most read article" and therefore interviewed by Editor in Chief of the Journal ]

* Corresponding Author

Earlier Publications

Lee PY, Kumagai Y, Li Y, Takeuchi O, Yoshida H, Weinstein J, Kellner ES, Nacionales D, Barker T, Kelly-Scumpia K, Rooijen N, Kumar H, Kawai T, Satoh M, Akira S, Reeves WH, TLR7-dependent and FcgammaR-independent production of type I interferon in experimental mouse lupus. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2008, Dec 22; 205(13): 2995-3006.

Kumagai Y, Kumar H, Koyama S, Kawai T, Takeuchi O, Akira S, Cutting Edge: TLR-dependent viral recognition along with type I IFN positive feedback signaling masks the requirement of viral replication for IFN-alpha production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells.Journal of Immunology (Cutting Edge Section) 2009 Apr 1;182(7):3960-3964.

Miyake T, Kumagai Y, Kato H, Guo Z, Matsushita K, Satoh T, Kawagoe T, Kumar H, Jang MH, Kawai T, Tani T, Takeuchi O, Akira S, Poly I:C-induced activation of NK cells by CD8alpha+ dendritic cells via the IPS-1 and TRIF-dependent pathways. Journal of Immunology 2009 Aug 15;183(4):2522-2528.

Kumar H, Kawai T, Akira S, Pathogen Recognition in the Innate Immune response. Biochemical Journal 2009 Apr 28;420(1):1-16.

Kumar H, Kawai T, Akira S, Toll-like receptors and natural immunity, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009 Oct 30;388(4):621-625.

Kumar H, Kumagai Y, Tsuchida T, Koenig PA, Satoh T, Guo Z, Jang MH, Saitoh T, Akira S, Kawai T, Involvement of the NLRP3 inflammasome in innate and humoral adaptive immune responses to fungal beta-glucan, Journal of Immunology 2009 Dec 15;183(12):8061-8067.

Tsuchida T, Zou J, Saitoh T, Kumar H, Abe T, Matsuura Y, Kawai T, Akira S, The ubiquitin ligase TRIM56 regulates innate immune responses to intracellular, Immunity 2010 Nov 24;33(5):765-76.

Kumar H, Pandey S, Zou J, Kumagai Y, Takahashi K, Akira S, Kawai T, NLRC5 deficiency does not influence cytokine induction by virus and bacteria, Journal of Immunology 2011 Jan 15;186(2):994-1000.

Kim YG, Park JH, Remier T, Kawai T, Kumar H, Akira S, Wobus C, Nunez G, TLR and Nod1/2 Signaling Augmented by Norovirus or Poly I:C Mediate Bacteria-Induced Lethality in Mice, Cell Host and Microbe 2011 Jun 16;9(6):496-507

Kawai T, Takahashi K, Sato S, Coban C, Kumar H, Kato H, Ishii KJ, Takeuchi O, Akira S, IPS-1, An adaptor triggering RIG-I- and Mda5-mediated type I interferon induction. Nature Immunology 2005 Oct;6(10):981-988.

Takahashi K, Kawai T, Kumar H, Sato S, Yonehara S, Akira S, Cutting Edge: Roles of Caspase-8 and Caspase-10 in Innate Immune Responses to Double-stranded RNA. Journal of Immunology. (Cutting Edge Section) 2006 Apr 15; 176(8):4520-4524.

Kumar H, Kawai T, Kato H, Sato S, Takahashi K, Coban C, Yamamoto M, Uematsu S, Ishii KJ, Takeuchi O, Akira S, Essential role of IPS-1 in innate immune responses against RNA viruses. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2006 Jul 10; 203(7):1795-1803.

Bhattacharjee RN, Park KS, Kumagai Y, Okada K, Yamamoto M, Uematsu S, Matsui K, Kumar H, Kawai T, Iida T, Honda T, Takeuchi O, Akira S, VP1686, a Vibrio type III secretion protein, induces toll-like receptor-independent apoptosis in macrophage through NF-kappaB inhibition. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2006 Dec 1;281(48):36897-36904.

Roberts ZJ, Goutagny N, Perera PY, Kato H, Kumar H, Kawai T, Akira S, Savan R, Echo DV, Fitzgerald KA, Young HA, Ching LM, Vogel SN, The chemotherapeutic agent DMXAA potently and specifically activates the TBK1–IRF-3 signaling axis. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2007 Jul 9;204(7):1559-1569.

Kumagai Y, Takeuchi O, Kato H, Kumar H, Matsui K, Morii E, Kawai T, Akira S, Alveolar macrophages are primary interferon-αlpha producer in response to lung RNA virus infection. Immunity 2007, Aug:27(2):240-252.

Yamamoto M, Uematsu S, Okamoto T, Matsuura Y, Sato S, Kumar H, Saitoh T, Takeda K, Ishii KJ, Takeuchi O, Kawai T, Akira S, Enhanced TLR-mediated NF-IL6-Dependent Gene Expression by Trib1 Deficiency. Journal of Experimental Medicine2007 Sep 3;204(9):2233-2239.

Koyama S, Ishii KJ, Kumar H, Tanimoto T, Coban C, Uematsu S, Kawai T, Akira S, Differential role of TLR- and RLR-signaling in innate and adaptive immune response to influenza A virus infection and vaccination. Journal of Immunology2007 Oct 1;179(7):4711-4720.

Jung A, Kato H, Kumagai Y, Kumar H, Kawai T, Takeuchi O, Akira S, Lymphocytoid choriomeningitis virus activates plasmacytoid dendritic cells and induces cytotoxic T cell response via MyD88. Journal of Virology 2008, 82(1): 196-206.

Kumar H, Koyama S, Ishii KJ, Kawai T, Akira S, Cutting Edge: Cooperation of IPS-1- and TRIF-dependent pathways in poly IC-enhanced antibody production and cytotoxic T cell responses. Journal of Immunology (Cutting Edge Section) 2008, Jan 15; 180(2) 683-687.

Ishii KJ, Kawagoe T, Koyama S, Matsui K, Kumar H, Kawai T, Uematsu S, Takeuchi O, Takeshita F, Coban C, Akira S, Tank-binding kinase-1 delineates innate and adaptive immune responses to DNA vaccines. Nature 2008, Feb; 451 725-729.

Kumar H, Malhotra D, Goswami S, Bamezai R, How far have we reached in tuberculosis vaccine development? Critical Reviews in Microbiology 2003;29 (4):297-312.

Kumar H, Takeda K, Akira S, Toll-like Receptors, Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry (W.J. Lennarz & M.D. Lane, eds), Elsevier publication, Oxford, Vol.4, 2004; pp. 190-194.

Malhotra D, Darvishi K, Lohra M, Kumar H, Grover C, Sood S, Reddy BSN, Bamezai R, Association study of major risk single nucleotide polymorphisms in the common regulatory region of PARK2 and PACRG genes with leprosy in an Indian population. European Journal of Human Genetics 2006 Apr; 14(4):438-442.