Thermochronoly and Crustal Dynamics Laboratory
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Peer Reviewed Articles

Publihed: 33   Under Review: 2   Book Chapter: 1

h-index: 13

Associate Professor

Serial Number Article Scimago SJR
Ganaie, A.M., Satpathi, K., Yi, K., Youn-Joong, J., Nasipuri, P*., 2024. Were South India and North China Craton Attached During the Paleoproterozoic (Orosirian) Nuna Assembly? Novel Geochemical and Isotopic Investigations of Granites from the Khammam Schist Belt, Eastern Dharwar Craton. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Hifzurrahman, Nasipuri.P*., Ganaie, AB, Balakrishnan, S., Dash, JK, Cambro-Ordovician metamorphism from Lesser Himachal Himalaya and its implication in Gondwanaland assembly, 2024, Mineralogy and Petrology, 118, 209–229 DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Kaur, P., Chaudhri, N., Saha, L, Nasipuri, P., 2024, Crustal evolution of the Aravalli and Bundelkhand Archean nuclei, North Indian Block: recent advances and perspectives. Proc.Indian Natl. Sci. Acad. 90, 196–208. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Saikia, D., Nasipuri, P., 2023, Magmatic and Geochemical studies of Early Neoproterozoic Koraput Anorthosite Massif, Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and their implications for Rodinia assembly, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 100 (2): 203–217. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Ganaie, A.M., Satpathi, K., Beura, S., Nasipuri, P.*, 2023. Geochemistry and detrital zircon geochronology of Khammam Schist Belt, Eastern Dharwar Craton: Implication for India – North China Craton –Antarctica connection in Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crustal assembly. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 2, 100208. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Hifzurramhan, Nasipuri, P., Joshi, K.B., 2023, Geochemistry of Jutogh metasediments, Lesser Himachal Himalaya, India, and their implications in Source Area Weathering, Provenance, and Tectonic Setting during Paleoproterozoic Nuna Assembly, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 99, DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Srivastava, A.K., Raza, M.B., Saha, L., Keewook, Y., Nasipuri. P., Pati, J.K., 2023, Paleo-Mesoproterozoic rifting along the margins of Archean Bundelkhand Craton North-Central India: timing the event from U-Pb SHRIMP Zircon data, Lithosphere, 4111013, DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Tarun Kumar, B., Jayaanada, M., Nassipuri, P., Guitreau, M., Aadhiseshan K.R., Balaji Manasa Rao, S.V., Thomas, T., Satyanarayan, M, 2022, Tectono-thermal history of the Neoarchean Balehonnur shear zone, Western Dharwar Craton (Southern India), Lithosphere, 4167477, DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Satpathi, K., Hifzurrahman, Xie, H.-Q., Ganaie, A.M., Misra, S., Nasipuri, P*., 2022. A2-type granites from the Bastar Craton, South-Central India, and their implication in Archean-Paleoproterozoic tectonics in Indian Peninsula. Lithosphere 2022, 7938481. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Hifzurrahman, Nasipuri, P.*, Yi, K., Anand, A., Misra, S., Champati, A.K., 2021. An age-integrated geochemical and computational phase-equilibria study from the Wangtu Gneissic Complex, N-W Himalaya, and its paleogeographic implications in Columbia assembly. Mineralogy and Petrology 115, 365–390. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Raza, M.B., Hifzurrahman, Nasipuri, P.*, Saha, L., Pati, J.K., Alfimova, N.A., Champati, A.K., 2021. Phase relations and in-situ U-Th-Pbtotal monazite geochronology of Banded Iron Formation, Bundelkhand Craton, North-Central India, and their geodynamic implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Assistant Professor

Serial Number Article Scimago SJR
Alfimova, N., Raza, M.B., Felitsyn, S., Matrenichev, V., Bogomolov, E., Nasipuri, P., Saha, L., Pati, J.K., Kumar, V., 2019. Isotopic Sm-Nd signatures of Precambrian Banded Iron Formation from the Fennoscandian shield, East-European Platform, and Bundelkhand craton, India. Precambrian Research 328, 1–8. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Bhadra, S., Nasipuri, P., 2017. Tectonothermal evolution of a garnet-bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the Moyar shear zone, south India and its bearing on the Neoarchean accretionary tectonics. Lithos. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Nasipuri, P*., Corfu, F., Bhattacharya, A., 2018. Eastern Ghats Province (India)–Rayner Complex (Antarctica) accretion: Timing the event. Lithosphere 10, 523–529. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Saikia, D., Nasipuri, P.*, Bhattacharya, A., 2018. In situ U-Th-Pbtotaldating of polychronous monazite in the Koraput anorthosite pluton, Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt (India), and implications. Geological Magazine 155, 209–228. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Saha, L., Frei, D., Gerdes, A., Pati, J.K.K., Sarkar, S., Patole, V., Bhandari, A., Nasipuri, P.*, 2016. Crustal geodynamics from the Archaean Bundelkhand Craton, India: Constraints from zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope studies. Geological Magazine 153, 179–192. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Negrini, M., Stünitz, H., Nasipuri, P., Menegon, L., Morales, L.F.G.L.F.G., 2014. Semibrittle deformation and partial melting of perthitic K-feldspar: An experimental study: Deformation and melting of K-feldspar. Journal of Geophysical Research 119. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Elvevold, S., Ravna, E.J.K., Nasipuri, P., Labrousse, L., 2013. Calculated phase equilibria for phengite-bearing eclogites from NW Spitsbergen, Svalbard Caledonides. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Structural framework for the emplacement of the Bolangir anorthosite massif in the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, India: implications for post-Rodinia pre-Gondwana tectonics. Miner Petrol 107, 861–880. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Post Doctoral Research

Serial Number Article Scimago SJR
Menegon, L., Stünitz, H., Nasipuri, P., Heilbronner, R., Svahnberg, H., 2013. Transition from fracturing to viscous flow in granulite facies perthitic feldspar (Lofoten, Norway). Journal of Structural Geology 48. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Kullerud, K., Nasipuri, P., Ravna, E.J.K.E.J.K., Selbekk, R.S.R.S., 2012. Formation of corundum megacrysts during H2O-saturated incongruent melting of feldspar: P-T pseudosection-based modelling from the Skattøra migmatite complex, North Norwegian Caledonides. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 164. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Rosenbaum, G., Menegon, L., Glodny, J., Vasconcelos, P., Ring, U., Massironi, M., Thiede, D., Nasipuri, P., 2012. Dating deformation in the Gran Paradiso Massif (NW Italian Alps): Implications for the exhumation of high-pressure rocks in a collisional belt. Lithos 144–145. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Menegon, L., Nasipuri, P., Stünitz, H., Behrens, H., Ravna, E., 2011. Dry and strong quartz during deformation of the lower crust in the presence of melt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Ph.D. Research

Serial Number Article Schmago SJR
Nasipuri, P., Bhattacharya, A., Satyanarayanan, M., 2011. Localized pluton deformation and linked focused flow of low-volume fraction residual melt in deforming plagioclase cumulates. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 123. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Nasipuri, P., Bhattacharya, A., Das, S., 2009. Metamorphic reactions in dry and aluminous granulites: A Perple_X P - T pseudosection analysis of the influence of effective reaction volume. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 157. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Das, S., Nasipuri, P., Bhattacharya, A., Swaminathan, S., 2008. The thrust-contact between the Eastern Ghats Belt and the adjoining Bastar craton (Eastern India): Evidence from mafic granulites and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research 162. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Nasipuri, P., Bhattacharya, A., 2007. Melt-assisted interior to margin switch from dislocation to diffusion creep in coarse grained plagioclase: Evidence from a deformed anorthosite pluton. Journal of Structural Geology 29. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Roy, P., Balaram, V., Bhattacharaya, A., Nasipuri, P., Satyanarayanan, M., 2007. Estimation of Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Th and U in beach placers and ferrodiorites by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy using lithium metaborate fusion digestion technique. Current Science 93. SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Pre Ph.D. research

Serial Number Article Schmago SJR
Majumdar, T.J.J., Mitra, D.S.S., Nasipuri, P., 2010. Study of surface temperature anomalies over the oil fields in the cambay Basin, India using aster nighttime data. International Journal of Geoinformatics 6. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Nasipuri, P., Chatterjee, A., 2009. Land use around Maithon reservoir: A study from high-resolution ASTER data. Current Science 97. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Majumdar, T.J., Nasipuri, P., 2008. Generation of heat flow map over a part of the Cambay Basin, India using NOAA-AVHRR data. Geocarto International 23. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Nasipuri, P., Majumdar, T.J., Mitra, D.S., 2006. Study of high-resolution thermal inertia over western India oil fields using ASTER data. Acta Astronautica 58. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Nasipuri, P., Mitra, D.S.S., Majumdar, T.J.J., 2005. Generation of thermal inertia image over a part of Gujarat: A new tool for geological mapping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 7. DOI SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Chatterjee, A., Nasipuri, P., 2005. Impact of anthropogenic activity around maithon reservoir. Indian Journal of Earth Sciences 32. Not Avaliable

Book Chapter

Serial Number Article SJR
Nasipuri, P., Saha, L., Hangqiang, X., Pati, J.K., Satyanaryanan, M., Sarkar, S., Bhandari, A., Gaur, Y., 2019. Chapter 31 - Paleoarchean Crustal Evolution of the Bundelkhand Craton, North Central India, in: Kranendonk, M.J.V., Bennett, V.C., Hoffmann, J.E. (Eds.), Earth’s Oldest Rocks (Second Edition). Elsevier, pp. 793–817. NA