Thermochronoly and Crustal Dynamics Laboratory
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The Early Earth was a dynamic and ever-changing planet, with the movement of tectonic plates shaping its surface over billions of years via supercontinent assembly and disintegration processes . The study of mineral thermodynamics helps us understand the conditions under which rocks and minerals form, providing valuable insights into Earth's geological history. Integration of (i> zircon and monazite geochronology allows to determine the age of rocks and geological events, helping piece together the puzzle of Earth's past. Ultimately, all these factors contribute to our understanding of Habitat Earth, the unique and intricate environment that has allowed life to thrive on our planet.

By studying these processes and methods, this group aims to contribute to deeper understanding of Earth's past and how it has evolved over time.

Current Opening

Candidates who want to pursue an exciting scientific career in mineral thermodynamics and low-temperature monazite geochronology connected to supercontinent assembly may send their biodata to

Group Activitity

Ph.D. Student Supervised: 4 *
1st PhD stident from department, Dr. Dicton Saikia
Ph.D. Student Ongoing: 4
Peer Reviewed paper published 33,
h-index 13
Associate Editor, Himalayan Geology
Editorial Board Member, Discover Geoscience
Lead Editor, Special Volume 8, Lithospehre