About the MTIB Group

Biogeochemistry is the exploration of biotic/abiotic factors and mechanisms responsible for spatiotemporal variations in the ecosystem structure as well as geochemical/isotope compositions of different materials in earth surface systems. We measure elemental abundances and isotope ratios of geological and environmental samples, and use the data to explore various modern/historic earth surface processes and the human impact on natural biogeochemical cycles.

Particularly, we focus on the measurement of radiogenic Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes, and non-traditional stable isotopes of B, Si, Ba, Cu, Cd and Zn. Our main objective is to explore the potential of traditional as well as non-traditional element/isotope tracers in solving explicitly problems related to:

  1. partitioning of anthropogenic from natural processes
  2. provenance tracing of continental materials
  3. quantification of particulate derived elemental fluxes to hydrosphere
  4. quantification of groundwater loss to oceans
  5. crustal evolution
  6. reconstructions of paleo-climatic/environmental conditions and abundances of different chemical constituents in earth system components

The use of ultra-pure chemicals during sample processing in our ultra-clean laboratory at IISER Bhopal, and the state of the art analytical techniques (like multiple isotope dilution, standard-sample-standard bracketing, internal standardization) and modern instruments (Q-ICPMS, MC-ICPMS) have enabled us to produce very precise and accurate elemental/isotope data in natural materials, which help to achieve our objectives confidently.

Broad Research Area

  • Chemical oceanography
  • Coastal hydrology and estuarine processes
  • Groundwater and rainwater chemistry
  • Human perturbations on the natural biogeochemical cycles
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Provenance tracing of lithic sediments using radiogenic isotopes
  • Reconstruction of paleo-environment and continent-climate-ocean interactions

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