Kumar Balasubramanian
Department of Mathematics
IISER Bhopal
Bhopal - 462066
Office:Academic Building I, Room 315

Research Interests

  • Representations of p-adic groups.
  • Research Summary (to be updated)

    Research Summary


  • Research supported by SERB grant CRG/2023/000281.


MTH 410/514/620: Representation Theory


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Course Information

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Notes/Problem sets/Quizzes/Exams

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Selected Publications and Preprints

  • Self-dual representations with vectors fixed under an Iwahori subgroup.
  • Journal of Algebra, Volume 394 (2013), 207-220
  • pdf
  • Self-dual representations of SL(n,F).
  • Proceedings of the AMS, Volume 144 (2016), 435-444
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  • Finite order elements in the integral symplectic group.
  • (Joint work with M. Ram Murty and Karam Deo Shankhadhar)
  • Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Volume 33, Issue 4 (2018), 427-433
  • pdf
  • A note on self-dual representations of Sp(4,F).
  • Journal of Number Theory, Volume 199 (2019), 110-125
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  • Self-dual representations of SL(2,F)-an approach using the Iwahori-Hecke algebra.
  • (Joint work with Brahadeesh Sankarnarayanan and K.S. Senthilraani)
    Communications in Algebra, Volume 47, Issue 10 (2019), 4210-4215
  • pdf
  • Dualizing involutions on the metaplectic GL(2).
  • (Joint work with Ajit Bhand)
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 225, Issue 1 (2021), 106479
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  • Dualizing involutions on the metaplectic GL(2) à la Tupan.
  • (Joint work with Ekta Tiwari)
    Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Volume 63, Issue 2 (2021), 426-437
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  • A certain twisted Jacquet module of GL(4) over a finite field.
  • (Joint work with Himanshi Khurana)
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 226, Issue 5 (2022), 106932
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  • On a twisted Jacquet module of GL(6) over a finite field.
  • (Joint work with Himanshi Khurana)
    New York Journal of Mathematics, Volume 29, Issue 1 (2023), 874-910
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  • On a twisted Jacquet module of GL(2n) over a finite field.
  • (Joint work with Abhishek Dangodara and Himanshi Khurana)
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  • A variant of happy sequences.
  • (Joint work with Nandini Parkhi)
  • A certain twisted Jacquet module of GL(6) over a finite field: the rank 2 case.
  • (Joint work with Himanshi Khurana)
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 228, Issue 6 (2024), 107614
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  • Circulant matrices form a ring: an elementary proof using linear algebra.
  • (Joint work with Nandini Parkhi)
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  • Dimension formula for the twisted Jacquet module of a cuspidal representation of GL(2n,Fq).
  • (Joint work with Himanshi Khurana)
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  • A note on the cardinality of a certain subset of n x n matrices over a finite field..
  • (Joint work with Krishna Kaipa and Himanshi Khurana)
  • pdf