• +91-7556691383
  • kgaurav@iiserb.ac.in

    We welcome young, energetic and higly motivated candidate with high ambition for research in river science and remote sensing, to pursue postdoc, PhD, and internship in our group. You are encouraged to contact me (kgaurav@iiserb.ac.in) at any time over the year, with a cover letter, research interest, curriculum vitae, and details of two referees (in one pdf file).

  • Opportunity @ IISER Bhopal

Current Opportunity (PhD Positions)

[Topic- 1] “Morphologic assessment of water resources in semi-arid catchments of central India”.
This research project is funded by Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/CEFIPRA). The main objective of this research work is to develop a process based model to understand the surface and groundwater interaction in a small watershed in Madhya Pradesh.
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD on this topic and have a good understanding of surface and groundwater hydrology, images analysis, statistics, and knowldge of computer programming (preferably Python), feel free to write me. The candidates will get opportunity to work at least one month every year (for the first 3 years) in Paris, France during the PhD tenure.

[Topic- 2] “Modeling soil moisture from satellite images using ML/AI approach”.
The objective of this PhD is to develop different machine-learning-based models (such as Transfer learning, AutoML, and PIML) to model high spatial-temporal soil moisture products using NISAR satellite images. The candidates should have a strong background in working with SAR images, computer programming, big data analysis, and exposure to work on GPU based computing platform.

[Topic-3] “Defining river health of dryland rivers by developing a process-based hydro-geomorphic model”.
The objective of this PhD is to use a concept of graph theory to define the 3-dimensional (horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal) fluvial connectivity structures for the semi-arid rivers of central and western India. This work involves acquisition of topographic data from drones, Kinematic GPS, and hydraulic measurements in the field, and hydro-geomorphic modeling. The candidates interested in this research work should have a good understanding of hydrology, graph theory, computer programming, image analysis, and exposure to work and data collection in field.

[Topic-4] “Remote sensing for stream-flow estimation and application”
This research aims to model stream-flow at different temporal resolution by using optical and radar altimetry satellite data. The candidates will acquire and process high resolution images of rivers using drone in different time period to establish rating curves to estimate flow discharge. The candidates interested in this research work should have a good understanding of hydrology, computer programming, image analysis, exposure to work and data collection in field, and familiar with working on GPU based computing platform.