IISER Bhopal

Welcome to Terahertz and Quantum Materials Lab

About the Laboratory

Research in my lab can broadly be divided into two areas, as follows

Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy in complex oxides systems:

One of the primary research areas in our laboratory is the study of low-energy dynamics and ultrafast functionalities in complex oxide systems using terahertz (THz) spectroscopy. Due to its low energy, THz radiation is highly sensitive in probing quasiparticle excitations of magnetic, structural, and hybrid origins, making it exceptionally valuable for the investigation of correlated and quantum materials. Our current focus lies in understanding the evolution of magnons, phonons, and crystal field excitations in non-collinear antiferromagnetic systems with the aim of leveraging these insights for the development of devices in spin-wave computing and advanced communication technologies. Our lab has two distinct THz spectroscopic setups capable of studying both equilibrium and non-equilibrium material dynamics. The first is a magneto-THz setup, where the THz spectrometer is integrated with a cryostat that enables temperature control from 5–320 K and magnetic field up to ±7 T. The second is an optical pump-THz probe setup, in which an optical pump excites charge carriers out of equilibrium, and relaxation dynamics is probed by THz wave. Looking ahead, we aim to explore correlated systems using intense THz radiation, THz emission spectroscopy and Two-dimensional THz spectroscopy

Interface Engineering of Quantum Materials :

The development of diverse functionalities necessary for contemporary data storage and electronic devices requires the formation of novel interface phases, such as superconductivity or two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG) at the interface of heterostructures with insulating constituent layers and ferromagnetic order and exchange-bias fields at the interface of heterostructures with non-magnetic constituent layers. Study of the interplay between electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling (SOC), and anisotropy at these interfaces creates a rich environment for the emergence of novel quantum phases and properties, which could be harnessed for advanced spintronic applications is another area of research in my lab. Antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials or interfaces constituting anti-ferromagnetism is another family of materials which possess high SOC, zero net magnetization, zero stray field, and insensitivity to high magnetic field. They increase speed of the spintronics devices by three orders in comparison to FM material. These aforementioned properties of AFM materials have led to a new emerging research field called antiferromagnetic spintronics, which is our current topic of exploration.