

Aerosol Characterization and receptor modEling Group


Welcome to the Aerosol Characterization and receptor modEling (ACE) group in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at IISER Bhopal . The overall research goals of our group are to deliver solutions for operational air quality management and to provide a framework for enhancing air quality, climate and heath co-benefits. The endeavor is also to provide a data-centric structure for environmental justice actions aimed at protecting the health of disadvantaged population groups. Thank you for stopping by our page and we do hope you will enjoy exploring it.

We conduct extensive field studies to monitor and measure ambient aerosol physical and chemical properties. These measurements are then used as inputs to several advanced factor analytic models. We are also working on using Bayesian approaches for source apportionment. The output from these models is also used in conjunction with air-parcel trajectory ensembles to identify aerosol source locations and preferred transport pathways. Currently, we are involved in understanding the behavior and sources of ambient aerosols over locations in Central India. The ambiance in our group is welcoming and friendly. While every student is expected to be sincere and hard-working, the learning experience is enjoyable and fun! There are plenty of opportunities to conceive and work on research problems that truly excite you.


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