Thermochronoly and Crustal Dynamics Laboratory
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The group is involved in the understanding of crustal dynamics of Indian subcontinent using structural mapping, igneous-metamorphic petrology, zircon and monazite dating. The group is specialized in geological mapping, quantitative micro-structural analysis, computational phase equilibrium and thermodynamics based geochemical simulation.

Current Opening

Candidates interested in persuing an exiting research carrer on mineral thermodymaics, and low-temperature monazite geochronology related to Supercontinent assembly may send a deailed biodata to

Group Activitity

Ph.D. Student Supervised: 3 *
1st PhD stident from department, Dr. Dicton Saikia
Ph.D. Student Ongoing: 3
Peer Reviewed paper published 31,
h-index 13
Associate Editor, Himalayan Geology
Topical Advisory Editorial Member, Minerals
Lead Editor, Special Volume 8, Lithospehre