• +91-7556691383
  • kgaurav@iiserb.ac.in
  • IISER Bhopal

    Fluvial Geomorphology and Remote Sening Lab

  • Dr. Kumar Gaurav

    I am a Geomorphologist, working on fluvial problematics. I am interested in learing the dynamics and morphology of rivers, effect of drainage congestion on flood inundation, and application of remote sensing to monitor soil moisture and stream flow. I combine mathematical theory, physical reasoning, field observations, and digital image analysis to recognize the necessary ingredients to model them.

  • The group's research focouses on the understanding the fluvial process and the dynamics of sediments transport in rivers. At present the group is investigating the hydraulic geometry relationship between multiple and single thread channels. Our group is also actively involved in developing the methodology to estimate discharge in rivers using remote sening images.

Group Members
Dr. Kumar Gaurav
Associate Professor (Lab Head)

PhDs and Postdoc/JRF

Abhilash Singh
DST-Inspire fellow (August 2018)
Amit Kumar
Research Scholar (August 2017)
Gaurav Kailash Sonkar
UGC fellow (August 2017)
M Niranjannaik
Project JRF (November 2022)
Dr. Sharad Patel
Postdoc (April 2022)
Zafar Beg
Research Scholar (August 2017)
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The group's research focouses on the understanding the fluvial process and the dynamics of sediments transport in rivers. At present the group is investigating the hydraulic geometry relationship between multiple and single thread channels. Our group is also actively involved in developing the methodology to estimate discharge in rivers using remote sening images.
Dr. Kumar Gaurav