Low-dimensional topology: Mapping class groups of surfaces.
Algebraic Graph Theory: Spectral properties of Cayley graphs.
- Generating the liftable mapping class groups of regular cyclic covers (with S. Dey, N. Dhanwani, and H. Patil)
arXiv:2111.01626 [math.GT], to appear in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2024.
- Generating the liftable mapping class groups of cyclic covers of spheres (with P. Kapari and A. Sanghi)
arXiv:2308.12071 [math.GT] to appear in Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2024.
- Metacyclic actions on surfaces (with A. Sanghi)
Journal of Topology and Analysis, doi:10.1142/S1793525324500420, 2024.
- Infinite metacyclic subgroups of the mapping class group (with P. Kapari and A. Sanghi)
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, doi:10.4171/ggd/7912024, 2024.
- Periodic surface homeomorphisms and contact structures (with D. Kulkarni and K. Saha)
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 61(1):1-28, 2024.
- General primitivity in the mapping class group (with P. Kapari)
Journal of Topology and Analysis, doi:10.1142/S17935253235005412023, 2023.
- Factoring periodic maps into Dehn twists (with N. K. Dhanwani and A. Nair)
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 227(1), 2023.
- Geometric realizations of cyclic actions on surfaces - II (with A. Bhattacharya and S. Parsad)
Geometriae Dedicata, 216(67), 2022.
- Split metacyclic actions on surfaces (with N. Dhanwani and A. Sanghi)
New York Journal of Mathematics, 28:617-649, 2022.
- Liftable mapping classes of regular cyclic covers (with N. Agarwal, S. Dey and N. K. Dhanwani)
Houston journal of Mathematics, 47(1):223-243, 2021.
- Commuting conjugates of finite-order mapping classes (with N. K. Dhanwani)
Geometriae Dedicata, 209:69–93, 2020.
- Spectral properties of Cayley Graphs of split metacyclic groups (with S. Sarkar, S. Lakshmivarahan and P. K. Aurora)
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 35(2):159-175, 2020.
- Bound on the diameter of metacyclic groups (with S. Sarkar )
Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 19(11):205-219, 2019.
- Geometric realizations of cyclic actions on surfaces (with S. Parsad and B. Sanki)
Journal of Topology and Analysis, 11(4):929-964, 2019.
- Roots of Dehn twists about multicurves (with P. Vaidyanathan)
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 60(3):555-583, 2017.
- Fractional powers of Dehn twists about nonseparating curves
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 56(1):197-210, 2013.
- Roots of Dehn twists about separating curves
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 95(2):266-288, 2013.
- Roots of Dehn twists (with D. McCullough)
Geometriae Dedicata, 151:397-409, 2011.
- Liftable mapping classes of regular abelian covers (with N. Dhanwani, P. Kapari, and R. Tomar)
arXiv:2412.07319 [math.GT], 2024.
- Alternating and symmetric actions on surfaces (with R. Dey)
arXiv:2310.06550 [math.GT], 2023.
- Estimating the Cheeger constant using machine learning (with A. Jain and S. Pal)
arXiv:2005.05812 [math.CO], 2020.